Dachverband der Migrantinnenorganisationen
DaMigra is the nationwide
DaMigra: The Dachverband der Migrantinnenorganisationen
editAbout Us
editDaMigra, founded in 2014, is a nationwide, origin-independent, and women-specific umbrella organization that represents more than 60 migrant women's organizations in Germany. As a politically, ideologically, and confessionally independent organization, DaMigra sees itself as a voice and representative for the interests of migrant women in politics, public life, media, and the economy.
Mission and Values
editThe central goal of DaMigra is the empowerment of migrant women to promote their equal political, social, professional, and cultural participation in social life in Germany. Another focus is on the combating of racism, sexism, and social inequality. DaMigra advocates against all forms of discrimination based on European and international human rights conventions[1][2][3].
Key Products and Services
editDaMigra works at the interface between civil society engagement and political decision-makers. The main activities include:
- Networking, qualification, and promotion of migrant women's organizations: DaMigra supports member organizations through networking, qualification, and promotion to strengthen their socio-political tasks.
- Project "Gemeinsam MUTig": This project supports women with migration and refugee backgrounds in increasing their opportunities for social participation by focusing on empowerment, orientation, access to the labor market, and increasing visibility[2][4].
- Advocacy and political influence: DaMigra consolidates the interests of migrant women and makes them audible and visible at the federal level. This includes participation in legislative processes and supporting reforms, such as the bill for the regulation of abortion[1][3].
Sustainability Goals and Initiatives
editDaMigra is committed to various areas to achieve sustainable change:
- Inclusive education, social, and labor market policy: DaMigra calls for a stronger focus on the framework conditions for equal access to the labor market, housing market, education, and language to combat segregation and social inequality[3].
- Violence assistance and protection: DaMigra advocates for a comprehensive violence assistance law and calls for the abolition of the residency requirement and housing assignment to enable non-discriminatory access to women's shelters[1][3].
- Social housing policy: DaMigra supports social housing programs and legal regulations to regulate rent development and prevent segregation processes[3].
History and Roots
editThe roots of DaMigra go back to the 1980s when migrant women, Jewish women, and Women of Color felt that their concerns and needs were not adequately represented within the German women's movement. The foundation for today's umbrella organization was laid at the second migrant women's congress in March 2013, organized by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth[1].
DaMigra will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2024 and remains an important actor in the fight for the rights and participation of migrant women in Germany.
edit- 1 - https://www.damigra.de/dachverband/ueber-uns/
- 2 - https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/de/aktionen-themen/make-it-work/fachaustausch-mit-expert-innen/interview-mit-rudaba-badakhshi-von-damigra-e-v.html
- 3 - https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/gesetzgebungsverfahren/DE/Downloads/stellungnahmen/gesetz-zur-entfristung-des-integrationsgesetzes/dachverband-migrantinnenorganisationen.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4
- 4 - https://www.damigra.de/projekte/gemeinsam-mutig/ueber-das-projekt/
- 5 - https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/sozialpaedagogiksoziale_arbeit/zeitschriften/betrifft_maedchen/artikel/48575-das-damigra-projekt-gleichberechtigte-politische-teilhabe-fuer-migrantinnen-bericht-und-kritik.html