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    vor 12 Tagen
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    Lawyer*in (gn) Clean Air, Water and Soil baito Pro

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    This position is a great opportunity for a lawyer who wants to put their professional expertise at the service of the environment and the climate.


    • Research and evaluate the potential for using litigation and/or other legal interventions to ensure compliance with the EU air quality legal framework, including sectoral regulations related to vehicle emissions
    • Research and support development of innovative policy and legal strategies to ensure the right to clean and healthy air as a fundamental human right
    • Evaluate the risks of such legal interventions to ClientEarth and other potential litigants, as well as the potential strategic benefits to ClientEarth's clean air and climate mitigation objectives


    • Degree in law, or equivalent
    • Professional experience in law (preferably in an EU Member State or at EU level) and of contributing to strategic legal thinking and creative problem solving
    • Experience of working on building and/or defending cases for litigation
    • A good understanding of broader EU environmental law and of the EU clean air legal framework


    • Flexible working policy allowing 80% remote work and 20% office-based work
    • Diversity and inclusion initiatives
    • Encouragement to apply even if not meeting all criteria





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    vor 12 Tagen

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